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I always get so uncomfortable when I sit down to write an "About Me" page, and I guess that's because I genuinely don't think first impressions are everything, are ever truly accurate, or completely concrete. So it's hard for me to sit here and type up my eccentrically, complicated personality and story in this little, tiny box. You will get to know me as you come on my journey through my podcast, and you'll see glimpses through my stories of what truly makes me... well, me. But nonetheless, here we are, and if you're still reading this at this point, you're clearly waiting for something; so here we go.


I've always been different, eccentric. I was the weird, popular girl in school, who was super outgoing and well-known and heavily involved, but also kept to herself, never went to parties and wore huge headphones listening to music through the hallways between classes; a lone wolf. Which is actually my spirit animal, and I guess following from that I should mention that I am a spiritual person. I believe in the stars and our natal charts, I believe in the healing powers of crystals, and I believe in the energy of the universe. Buuuuuuut, I'm also super left brain; a living, breathing dichotomy. I've been accused of being too logical, and seeing things too "black and white", but also highly emotional. I am the truest amalgamation of my creators ie. parents, & if you're curious about them, just picture the 90s sitcom characters, Dharma and Greg. 


If I had to choose four fictional characters that best encompass my personality, they would be: 

Selfie of Carolina on About Page

Carrie Bradshaw, from Sex and the City
Blair Waldorf, from Gossip Girl
Elle Woods, from Legally Blonde
& Ashley Funicello Spinelli, from Recess


I love heels, and the colour pink, and fluffy pens, and fuzzy slippers, and wearing lipstick. But I can also rock a leather jacket, and some combat boots, and I have no problem leaving the house without a stitch of makeup on. If you look at the Podcast About page, the little clip at the top is an example of that... except I am still in my house. I don't believe in labels, or living within the fine constraints of "category boxes" to make other people feel comfortable. If you love to bake chocolate chip muffins while listening to Metallica, who am I to stop you?


The running theme through those characters I listed above? They would do anything and everything for their friends, & they may be small, but they be mighty. I will call you out if you hurt someone I love. One of my best friends used to tell people, "Carolina is definitely someone you want in your corner."


If you're in my circle, I will protect you and be there for you with something fierce.


So, let's be best friends.



I genuinely don't think first impressions are everything, are ever truly accurate, or completely concrete.

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Why We're Great >

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